Attention Students and Alumni: READ THIS

If you have not registered for this event yet, you are just plain out of your mind.

Do I need to tell you how famous Tom Mallon is? How amazing Suhayl Saadi is? How renowned H. G. Carrillo is? How great Judith Plotz and Faye Moskowitz will be? If you are not attending this event and free dessert, we’re dropping you from the English majors listserv. Heck, we’re banning you from further coursework. And registration is looming.

And is you are an alumnus or alumna — we are doing this event for you! If you do not come, we will offer you NOTHING in the future. NOTHING. Live with that.

Follow this link to register.

“Literature in a Global Age”
Panel Discussion and Dessert Reception
Featuring the Department of English and the British Council Writer in Residence Suhayl Saadi
Oct 22, 2008 6:30PM – 8:00PM ET
The George Washington University
Alumni House @ 1918 F Street, NW

Please join us for a panel discussion on “Literature in a Global Age,” the past and future of writing in English. A panel of authors and critics will lead a lively discussion of literature familiar and new, exploring the art that happens when cultures meet — and clash. The panel will feature faculty from the Department of English, as well as renowned Scots-Asian writer Suhayl Saadi, the 2008 GW-British Council Writer in Residence.

Advance registration is required. Event fees include the panel discussion and dessert reception.


H. G. Carrillo teaches creative writing at GW. His debut novel, Losing My Espanish, is a literary tour de force. He is the author of many short stories as well.

Thomas Mallon is a world renowned novelist and critic. A resident of Foggy Bottom, he teaches creative writing at GW. His novels have been widely translated, and include: Fellow Travelers; Henry and Clara; Stolen Words, Dewey Defeats Truman; Mrs. Paine’s Garage; Bandbox; and Arts and Sciences. He has also written for GQ, The New Yorker, The New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic Monthly, and Harper’s.

Faye Moskowitz is the former chair of the English Department, where she now teaches creative writing and Jewish American literature. Among her best known works are: Whoever Finds This: I Love You; And the Bridge is Love; and Peace in the House.

Judith Plotz teaches children’s literature, nineteenth century literature, and postcolonial literature. She is one of the most beloved professors in the English department and former department chair. Her most recent book is Romanticism and the Vocation of Childhood.

Suhayl Saadi, a Scots-Asian novelist, is the author of Psychorag, a powerful account of a troubled Pakistani past set in contemporary Glasgow. A writer known for his rhythmic, inventive style, Saadi is the GW-British Council Writer in Residence. He is the author of many short stories, plays and a poems as well as this novel.

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