English and Creative Writing Major

From David McAleavey:

Now is the time to apply to the English and Creative Writing major – for juniors — i.e., ONLY for those who are to graduate in Fall ’09 or Spring ’10. The application consists of 2 hard copies of both a 1-p. statement explaining your interest, and a writing sample (10-15 pp. if poetry, 15-20 if fiction or play; the writing samples may be longer if need be). [Note that students who are studying abroad may submit their application electronically, as a Word.doc attachment.] Also you need 2 letters of recommendation, sent to me (David McAleavey) at
dmca@gwu.edu — or, if by snail mail, to me at the English Department, GWU, Washington DC 20052. (These recommendations are usually brief e-mails from those who have taught you in Creative Writing courses at GW, but you may ask other professors, both here at GW or elsewhere, if you think that would be better for you. Please note that you may apply in more than one genre, but each application should be include two copies of both the statement and the pertinent writing sample. (No need to ask your professors to send their recommendations more than once, however!)

If you have questions, please contact me (dmca@gwu.edu, 202-994-6515).

The announced deadline is Feb. 16, but if you need more time, let me know that too, and I’ll see what we can do. If you are admitted, you’ll be able to write a senior Creative Writing thesis, in a supervised independent study (ENGL 194).

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