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English Honors Symposium
GW ENGLISH DEPARTMENTAL HONORS SYMPOSIUM Friday, May 2, 2008 Rome 771 1:00-4:30 pm 1:00 OPENING REMARKS Professor Jonathan Gil Harris, Director of Undergraduate Studies 1:10-2:10 SESSION I. PERFORMING SEXUALITY & GENDER Presiding: Professor Holly Dugan Lisa Francavilla, “Virgin, Mother, and Whore: Appropriating Female Bodily Agency in Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury and As I…

Poets Will Support Musicians at the 24 Hour Protest Concert
This Friday, April 16, students and alumni of the Music Department will be protesting recent budget cuts in the department with a 24 hour concert. The concert begins at 4:30pm on Thursday, 4/15 at Kogan Plaza and will continue until 4:30pm on Friday, 4/16. Performances will include alumni bands and student groups, as well as…

Fall 2016 Washington Conference on Trauma: Listening to Trauma: Insights and Actions
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Annual Shakespeare Lecture
Our Annual Event is Upon Us! Register soon! Check out “Lecture: Shakespeare, Race, and Adaptation in the 21st Century” Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lecture-shakespeare-race-and-adaptation-in-the-21st-century-tickets-119135564681@gwuenglish @eventbrite @gwuniversity @gwucolumbian #gwu #reading #english #shakespeare Share on FacebookTweet

For Your Calendar: Chabon and Jones (March 23)
The author of The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, Wonder Boys, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, Summerland, The Mysteries of Pittsburgh — and MORE — will read from his work and then be interviewed live by Professor Faye Moskowitz. Michael Chabon will be introduced by Edward P. Jones, GW’s first Wang Professor of Contemporary Literature….

Honors and English Students to Hold Public Symposium December 9
Still from Floating Skyscrapers (2013), Tomasz Wasilewski, dir. Professor Robert McRuer taught two courses in the interdisciplinary field of LGBT studies this fall, and students in both classes will be coming together on Saturday, December 9, to present their work-in-progress. Students from both “Transnational Queer Film Studies and LGBTQ Cultures” (English 3980W) and “Intro to LGBT Studies”…