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Patricia Chu’s Cross-Cultural Journey
Every English major walks through her door at one point in their academic career here at GW. She had 208 meetings with students last year. In a sense, Prof. Patricia Chu could be seen as the gatekeeper to the English department. As the Director of Undergraduate Advising she meets with students to discuss majors, minors,…
Alumna Blog: Taylor Kate Brown
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Vandalism of the English Department Achievement Board
One of my first initiatives as chair of the English Department was the dedication of a large bulletin board by the main office to the achievements of our faculty and students. Publications, posters, and media mentions adorn the board, yielding to any visitor ample evidence of how accomplished a department we are. Unfortunately over the…
New Major Requirements
We have made some important changes to the requirements for the major in English. They apply to you, however, only if you declared your major on July 1 2008 or later. You cannot, unfortunately, petition to have them apply to you. That means that if you are a current English major and are reading this,…
Inaugural GW English Distinguished Lecture in Literary and Cultural Studies: Friday October 23
Friday October 23 5 PM Marvin Center Continental Ballroom800 21st Street, NWWashington, DC 20052 Rosemarie Garland-Thomson delivers the inaugural GW English Distinguished Lecture in Literary and Cultural Studies “The Gas Chamber and the Metro: Space, Mobility and Disability” Introduction by José Muñoz, Wang Visiting Professor of Contemporary English Literature University welcome by President Steven Knapp…
The Report Is IN: GW English in 2009-10
I know readers of this blog were eagerly awaiting highlights from the department annual report for 2009-10. Drum roll, please. Summary statement: English is a healthy and productive unit that contributes to CCAS and University objectives in teaching, research, and service. Our faculty are highly productive, publishing scholarly and creative writing. As evidenced by course…