Memorials in Harry Potter: A Scholarly Conversation

In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling describes a statue of the Potter family in Godric’s Hollow’s village square and a memorial sign in front of the house where James and Lily died but never explains where they came from. Listen to a theory about when these memorials were likely to have been erected and learn how you can write your own academic paper about The Boy Who Lived!

Tolonda Henderson is an Instruction and Reference Librarian and resident Harry Potter scholar at the GW Libraries. Her recent paper, “The Statue and the Sign: The Origins and Significance of the Memorials to the Potter Family,” won Best Graduate Paper in Science Fiction and Fantasy at the 2017 meeting of the Southwest Popular and American Culture Association (SWPACA).

Event Date and Time: Monday, April 3, 2017 – 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Event Location: Gelman Library, Room 702
Please come!

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