2023 Wang Endowment Lecture
Attendant with Pearls: Abolition, Portraiture, Agency, and the Properties of Benevolence is the topic of this year’s Wang Endowment Lecture, to be delivered by Professor Patricia Matthew. All are welcome!

4:15 pm Thursday October 26, 2023
Funger Hall 220, 2201 G St NW, Washington, DC 20052
This talk is part of a series of events featuring Professor Matthew sponsored by the Wang Endowment in the Department of English.
All are welcome!
Patricia Matthew is Associate Professor of English at Montclair State University. She specializes in the history of the novel, British Romanticism, and British abolitionist literature and culture.
Professor Mathew has edited Written/Unwritten: Diversity and the Hidden Truths of Tenure (University of North Carolina Press, 2016). She is co-editor of the new Oxford University Press series Race in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture. In addition to publishing in academic journals, she has written about Regency, race, and popular culture for The Atlantic, Lapham’s Quarterly, and The Times Literary Supplement.
Her forthcoming work includes the Wondrium/audible.com lecture “Pride and Prejudice in the 21st Century.” She is currently writing a book about Britain’s sugar boycott, gender, and abolitionist culture for Princeton University Press and editing Mansfield Park for The Norton Library.
In 2020-2021 she was Distinguished Visiting Scholar at SUNY-Buffalo’s Center for Diversity Innovation, and in 2022-2023, she is the Anthony E. Kaye Fellow at the National Humanities Center.