The Sticky Words Project
Please stop by the English Department office on the seventh floor of Rome Hall and contribute to the endeavor we’ve christened the Sticky Words Project. Our goal: cover the entire loooong wall in front of our seminar room (Rome 771) in quotations inscribed upon Post-It Notes. Your part of the mission: stop by and jot down your favorite quotations and adhere them to the wall.
Bring your own sticky notes of you wish, or use the ones we’ve left out for your use.
The project unofficially began yesterday, but GW Housekeeping took down all the notes last night, thinking it was a prank. We’ve notified them that this is a highly literary art project (even that quote from the Flaming Lips). We promise we’ll keep the words up for as long as we can.
Stop by and participate! It may be the only time the English Department ever allows you to have fun in Rome Hall again.