Please join the English Department in congratulating our very own, Professor Jennifer Chang, on her most recent accomplishments! Professor Chang is this year’s Poetry Society of America’s William Carlos Williams Reward Recipient! This prestigious award is given to a single US poet who has published a book of their poetry via a small publishing house. Professor Chang joins the ranks of other such poets as Mary Ruefle and Monica Youn, both previous winners of the William Carlos Williams Award. Follow the link to read the wonderful words Paisley Rekdal wrote about Professor Chang, and to read her poem, “A Horse Named Never,” which is featured in her book Some Say the Lark.
Professor Chang has also had her poem, “We Found the Body of a Young Deer Once,” published in the April 23, 2018 edition of The New Yorker. Click on the link to hear Professor Chang read the poem herself.
You can check out Jennifer Chang’s Some Say the Lark here. It was published by Alice James Books in October 2017.