Art Spiegelman TONIGHT
Tonight’s event concludes the series of writers making presentations at GW through the “Jewish Literature Live” program. The series was generously funded by David Bruce Smith.
Tonight’s event concludes the series of writers making presentations at GW through the “Jewish Literature Live” program. The series was generously funded by David Bruce Smith.
This fall we’ve introduced a new undergraduate literature course that places American texts within a hemispheric frame. Taught by Gayle Wald, the class has proven extraordinarily popular. Weekly lectures are coupled to small discussion section meetings. The course is writing intensive. Here is the syllabus. —————————-ENGL 40W.10: Literature of the Americas“Slavery and the Circum-Atlantic”Fall 2007Prof….
Max Ticktin, Professor of Hebrew Language and Literature at the George Washington University, is the scholar in residence at Adas Israel March 20-22. He will be introduced by the English Department’s own Faye Moskowitz. Information here, or click on the image at left. Free. Share on FacebookTweet
The deadline for the T-shirt contest is Friday 11/2. Earn enduring fame via your clever logo! The deadline for applying for the new English Department Communications Liaison internship is Thursday 11/8. Here is the description and procedure: For the spring semester, the GW English Department is seeking a Communications Liaison, an internship position providing 3…
There are certain things that seem to only occur in literature: personification, metaphor, allusion. However reoccurring themes can appear in real life too as Professor James Miller knows well. This is particularly true in relation to his latest book Moments of Scottsboro: The Scottsboro Case and American Culture. The project started in the late 1990s…
ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS,My name is Rachael Baird, and I have been serving as the Communications Liaison this semester. As one of my farewell tasks, I am organizing an informal gathering on Monday, May 12 to celebrate our graduation. Hopefully by then everyone will have finished their exams, papers, thesis… college! Though we’ll be graduating soon,…
Despite three degrees in English and being the chair of a department of such, I am a terrible speller. I blame the convergence of two phenomena: A lifetime of study of Middle English, that happy go lucky linguistic intermezzo when the rules of proper spelling hadn’t been invented yet My own hastiness, prompted these days…