Beth Lattin in Forbes
Alumna Beth Lattin (’08) has a piece in Forbes about graduate school, debt, and planning for the future in uncertain economic times. Check it out!
Alumna Beth Lattin (’08) has a piece in Forbes about graduate school, debt, and planning for the future in uncertain economic times. Check it out!
Many of this blog’s readers will have heard about the Browne Report recently released in the UK. The report by Lord Browne reviews Britain’s higher education system and proposes sweeping changes in the ways that students’ educations are financed. If adopted–and there is wide agreement that it will be–the Browne Report will make higher education…
We know that title sounds gloomy, but we also know what the economy is like right now. We know that the paragraph which follows is going to make you say “I wish” and then go back to reading more amusing websites than this one. YouTube has some pretty good election-inspired videos. What about that Tina…
Oscar Gives Himself Away:Reading Wilde’s Presentation Copies Mark Samuels LasnerLecture & ReceptionFriday, April 24th, 3 p,m.Corcoran Gallery of ArtArmand Hammer Auditorium500 17th Street N.W.Washington, D.C. Mark Samuels Lasner is a recognized authority on the literature and art of the Victorian period. A graduate of Connecticut College, he has served as an honorary curator at several…
Gelman Library Exhibit Opening: “A Kind of Map of Life”: The Fiction of Edward P. Jones Stop by Café G on the first floor of Gelman Library to see “A Kind of Map of Life”: The Fiction of Edward P. Jones, a new exhibit that explores the connections between Jones’ work and the history of…
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Was it T. S. Eliot who wrote “February is the shortest month / Mixing brevity with terseness / Except when leap year adds a day”? I believe it was, and to my colleagues and our students the month seemed brief indeed, so enamored of Nadeem Aslam are they. Nadeem is the inaugural GW-British Council Writer…