You read about it at Ducks and What They Do. Now come attend the small, just for you last reading by Edward P. Jones.
You read about it at Ducks and What They Do. Now come attend the small, just for you last reading by Edward P. Jones.
Photo Credit: “Eleanora Reading” (1997). Fernando Scianna, Milan, Italy We remain very excited about our newest faculty member, Professor Daniel DeWispelare, who is currently teaching Romanticism and Critical Methodologies. For Spring 2013, he has designed a brand new Dean’s Seminar, “Literacy and Literature.” Spread the word to those who are eligible–first-year CCAS students seeking a…
Starting this afternoon, thousands of writers will be gathering in DC for the annual conference of the Associated Writers & Writing Programs, headquartered this year at the Marriott Wardman Park in Woodley Park. The conference features readings from scores of writers, as well as opportunities for writers to network with editors, publishers, and each other….
Open only to freshmen, dean’s seminars have proven among the department’s most popular offerings. Faculty enjoy them because they have the privilege of teaching a small group of young men and women very early in their academic journey. Students love them because they get the undivided attention of a full time faculty member who guides…
Stepping into Gregory Pardlo’s office is an odd, but charming combination of thrift store and art museum. Picasso adorns the wall as well as a salvaged window screen from Brooklyn. They are not just mere decorations, but help to explain some the fundamentals of GW’s newest creative writing professor. For Pardlo is not just a…
From the University of Nebraska Press website: Willa Cather’s twelfth and final novel, Sapphira and the Slave Girl, is her most intense fictional engagement with political and personal conflict. Set in Cather’s Virginia birthplace in 1856, the novel draws on family and local history and the escalating conflicts of the last years of slavery—conflicts in…
If you’ve donated money to the department over the past year, you are already on our mailing list (your name should also appear in the “Department Supporters” box to the right: thank you for your generosity! We couldn’t do much of what we undertake without your support). Early in the fall you will receive our…