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The Creative Freedom Tour at GW
Looks like GW students can look forward to another great creative writing event! Click to Enlarge. Share on FacebookTweet

Michael Palmer Reading: Thursday, April 4th
Michael Palmer Reading http://www.stmarys-ca.edu/creative-writing-reading-series-with-michael-palmer Thursday, April 4th, 2013 7:30 pm Honors Town House (714 21st St NW) http://goodbooksguide.blogspot.com/2010/05/may- 2011-highlights.html Michael Palmer has lived in San Francisco for over forty years. He has published over twenty books of poetry, and has often collaborated with visual artists, choreographers, and composers such as Gerhard Richter and the Margaret Jenkins Dance Company. His…

Lindsay Bernal Reads for the Jenny McKean Moore Series September 27
The Jenny McKean Moore Reading Series welcomes poet Lindsay Bernal. She is the winner of the 2017 National Poetry Series Competition. Share on FacebookTweet

Brando Skyhorse and Lisa Page in Conversation
Join Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Residence Brando Skyhorse and Acting Director of Creative Writing Lisa Page in a discussion to be held this Monday at the Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital. Presented by Hill Center & PEN/Faulkner. 921 Pennsylvania Ave SE, at 7:00 PM. Free and Open to the Public. Share on FacebookTweet

Sujata Iyengar to Deliver Annual Shakespeare Lecture on September 13
Same-Sex Star-Crossed Lovers in Global Shakespearean Web-Series is the topic of this year’s George Washington University 2019 Annual Shakespeare Lecture, to be delivered by Dr. Sujata Iyengar (University of Georgia). Please RSVP Friday, September 13, 2019 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM with a reception Post Hall, GW’s Mt Vernon Campus 2100 Foxhall Road NW Washington, DC…

Famous Authors at the Smithsonian
Feel like you have missed all of the famous author readings this semester? Although there are only a few authors visiting GW in the next coming months (Margaret Atwood will be doing a dramatization of her latest novel The Year of the Flood at Lisner Auditorium this Friday, October 30th. Tickets are as low as…