Professor Frederick Pollack Publishes New Poetry Collection
GW Creative Writing and English Professor Frederick Pollack |
GW Creative Writing and English Professor Frederick Pollack |
The Jenny McKean Moore Fund was established in honor of the late Jenny Moore, who was a playwrighting student at GW and who left in trust a fund that has, for almost forty years, encouraged the teaching and study of Creative Writing in the English Department, allowing us to bring a poet, novelist, playwright, or creative non-fiction…
GW English/Creative Writing Alum Mary Sette Mary Sette has taken her English/Creative Writing (with honors) GW degree and moved to film school at the University of Southern California. Professor Margaret Soltan recently talked to Mary about GW, USC, and her work in film. 1. Let’s start with the immediate present. Having recently graduated as an… Now that we’re all settled in for the semester, and following the great turnout for the Inaugural Digital Humanities/Dean’s Scholar in Shakespeare lecture (delivered by Michael Witmore, director of the Folger Shakespeare Library) we want to let you know a bit more about this blog and the upcoming semester. Samantha Yakas with Bruce Jay…
GW English Professor Jung Yun GW English is excited to introduce you to Jung Yun, who will be joining our faculty in the fall as an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, with a specialty in fiction. Professor Yun comes to us from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, where she received her MFA and where…
Abby Dimen-Taylor GW English ’12 Abby Dimen-Taylor graduated from GW with an English major and a minor in Psychology as part of the class of 2012. She graduated with Honors in English after completing a thesis on James Baldwin under the direction of Professor Jim Miller. She very much enjoyed her time with GW English,…
Meet this week’s GW English Senior Spotlight: Promise Harvey from West Philadelphia,