Distinguished Scholars Kelsey Grashoff and Joanna Falk
Kelsey Grashoff |
Joanna Falk |
Kelsey Grashoff |
Joanna Falk |
Stone: An Ecology of the Inhuman was published in 2015 GW English is happy to announce that Professor Jeffrey Cohen’s 2015 monograph Stone: An Ecology of the Inhuman will be awarded the Réné Wellek Prize for the best book in comparative literature from the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA). The ACLA writes that the Réné…
The Knicknackery, a new literary magazine was started by Keren Veisblatt Toledano ’09 and Sonja Vitow ’09, former editors of GW literary publication le culte du moi. Keren and Sonja wrote in to describe their new venture: “THE KNICKNACKERY IS A COLLECTION OF SMALL, ECLECTIC THINGS. SO ARE WE. We’re looking for work that plays jump rope…
GW English Major Katherine Bradshaw During the summer, as well as during the academic year, our majors often serve as interns in a wide range of locations. Classical Studies major, English minor, and Dean’s scholar Katherine Bradshaw recently sent us a summary of her experience in Summer 2013 as an intern for the Shakespeare Theatre…
The English department is delighted to announce that Melissa Mogollon is the winner of this year’s Student Poetry Prize for her poem “Salon.” David Meni is the winner of this year’s Academy of American Poets Prize for his set of poems titled “Intermezzo.” There was a robust set of entries for both prizes this…
The Jenny McKean Moore Fund was established in honor of the late Jenny Moore, who was a playwrighting student at GW and who left in trust a fund that has, for almost forty years, encouraged the teaching and study of Creative Writing in the English Department, allowing us to bring a poet, novelist, playwright, or creative non-fiction…
Ireland’s Abbey Theatre In her first week as an intern in the literary department of Ireland’s Abbey Theatre, Ania Soltan (who graduated from GW last year with an English major) has read and critiqued two plays submitted for possible performance at the Abbey; sat through the first read-through of a new comedy called Shush; attended a theater awards ceremony hosted by Ireland’s President Michael…