Inaugural GW English Distinguished Lecture in Literary and Cultural Studies: Friday October 23
800 21st Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
Come experience the work of an award-winning writer who grew up in a traditional community in Jerusalem. Pearl Abraham grew up in Jerusalem during the 1960s; her family later moved between Hasidic communities in Jerusalem and New York. Her first novel, The Romance Reader, won praise from the New York Times, Washington Post, Publishers Weekly,…
Kwame Alexander’s And Then You KnowNew and Selected Poems at Gelman Library’s Special Collections Research CenterPoetry Reading and Reception On April 9 from 7 PM to 9 PM, the Special Collections Research Center of the Gelman Library invites the community to a poetry reading and reception celebrating the publication of Washington poet Kwame Alexander‘s And…
Kyaiera Mistretta, class of 2003, is fondly remembered by her former professors at GW as one of those students whom everyone looks forward to having in class: smart, engaged, perceptive, full of promise. We asked her to let us know what career path she had followed since leaving GW. She writes: Currently I work as…
You know you are an English major/professor when you are dorky enough to wear this t-shirt. Thanks to (from left to right) Tess Malone, Gayle Wald, Connie Kibler, and Jeffrey Cohen for making t-shirt day happen! Share on FacebookTweet
I’d like to express my gratitude to a former student whom I remember fondly: Sarah Griswold, who recently donated $250 to the department. This is quite a sum for a 2006 graduate to give us … and we are honored by her generous support. Thank you, Sarah! I’m happy that my Chaucer class did not…
The office of department chair yields much fodder for complaint: the hours can be long (yesterday I arrived on campus at 7:15 AM, and wasn’t home until 9:00 PM), the paperwork an endurance test, personnel issues can mount, deadlines come like piranha schools and nibble your soul to its skeleton, the tiny aggravations can accumulate…