Jewish Lit Live Hosts Nicole Krauss
These days, I can barely keep up with the accolades being garnered by English Department faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates. Yesterday, we got the great good news that Prof. Judith Plotz is a winner of this year’s George Washington Award, one of the highest honors the University confers. I’ll blog more about Prof. Plotz, who…
Renowned British novelist Howard Jacobson will be our third GW-British Council Writer in Residence during February 2010. Like Suhayl Saadi and Nadeem Aslam before him, Mr. Jacobson will read four works of his choosing with students and discuss them informally over four Tuesday nights. Upon completion of the course students will turn in 5 pages…
JEWISH LITERATURE LIVE A few years ago Ariel Sabar quit his day job as an award winning journalist in order to work on a book. The shift from journalism to book writing was a challenge, but even more challenging was the subject of his book My Father’s Paradise, his father and his father’s history as…
After many years of teaching and service here at GW, Maxine Clair will be retiring. The department’s recommendation that she be awarded emerita status in honor of her achievements has been accepted. We are so very proud of Maxine … and we would say that we will miss her, but we are confident that we…
From the blog Online Learning Insights Prof. Margaret Soltan, known to students as a teacher of Don DeLillo, postmodernism, and aesthetics, is the first GW professor to participate in a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course). Now her work with has been featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Read about Prof. Soltan’s poetry course–which…
Today I’m reposting information about Prof. Jeffrey Cohen’s ENGL 42W: Myths of Britain course for fall 2010. There are still spots left in this class, which meets twice weekly, once for a lecture and once for a break-out session. The class fulfills the English Department prerequisite, and it also satisfies Humanities and WID general curriculum…