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TODAY: Shakespeare’s Birthday! Starting 2pm at Gelman terrace
Come celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday TODAY with GW English students and faculty. This birthday bash (with food, poetry readings, crafts, and more) starts at 2pm on the Gelman Library terrace (overlooking Kogan Plaza) and is co-organized by the GW Bardians, English, Gelman Library, and the Dean’s Scholars in Shakespeare Program. #WillsBDay A message from the GW…
ACTING UP & Workshops: A Prelude to Tony Kushner
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Private Bodies/Public Encounters: Susan Nussbaum at GW October 6
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Disability and Queer Sexuality in Russia
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Futures of the Field
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150 Scholars Gather for “Melville and Whitman in Washington: The Civil War Years and After,” June 4-7, 2013
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