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AI is in Your Classroom – Even if You Didn’t Know It!
Happy new year! Join us for our first even of the year to learn about the latest AI. From AI that write original papers, essays, and poems, to those that create art or write computer code, these technologies are quickly impacting on many aspects of higher education.

Taming of the Shrew: Discussion and Cheap Performance
Professor Jonathan Gil Harris will discuss Taming of the Shrew at the Shakespeare Theatre on Sunday as part of the Windows series. Information below. There is also a pay what you can performance that same day. —— part of the Shakespeare Theatre Company’s Windows Discussion Series. Sunday, September 30, 2007, 5:00 P.M. at the Lansburgh…

Composing Disability: A Cultural History of Disability is Back!
We are happy to announce that the Composing Disability conference that was postponed last year will be returning virtually on Friday, April 9th, 2021. Please join us in celebrating the publication of A Cultural History of Disability. This six-volume collection focus on Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Long Eighteenth Century, the Long Nineteenth Century,…

Craft Chat with Virginia Hartman and Annie Liontas
The Writer’s Center presents a FREE virtual chat about the craft of fiction! We’re joined by novelists Virginia Hartman (The Marsh Queen) and Annie Liontas (Let Me Explain You) for a discussion of their books and writing.
RSVP below to receive login information (our virtual events are held via Zoom). FREE and open to the public, all times Eastern.

Composing Disability: A Cultural History of Disability
[UPDATE: This event has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More information will be forthcoming!] Composing Disability returns to George Washington University this semester with a celebration of the publication of A Cultural History of Disability. The six volumes focus on Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Long Eighteenth Century, the Long Nineteenth…

David Bezmozgis Reading: Tuesday, March 19th
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