Shakespeare in the Mediterranean Information Session
Join us for an information session on this exciting GW English Summer Study Abroad course! Read more about the course here.
Join us for an information session on this exciting GW English Summer Study Abroad course! Read more about the course here.
What you can do with your English major? Lots of jobs waiting for you. The GWU Department of English welcomes you to stop by our offices on the sixth floor of Phillips Hall on Wednesday Feb. 22 or Thursday Feb. 23 from 4-6 PM. We will have information about declaring the major or minor ……
The English department announces the launch of an exciting new course in Spring 2017! This new course is in film studies: in Spring 2017, students and alumni can learn more about the world’s most widely consumed popular cinema: Bollywood Cinema. From Coldplay and Beyonce’s music video “Hymn For the Weekend” to the Oscar-winning Danny Boyle film Slumdog…
English 3980W Fall 2018 GW Students: English 3980W returns this fall and is now open for registration! This course meets at GW all semester as a regular class but includes a short-term study abroad element: one week in Prague, Czech Republic, where we will meet with Czech students taking the same class in Prague and…
Shakespeare never traveled beyond England, but the Mediterranean, especially Italy, inhabited his imagination and that of his audience. Venetian Canals Dubrovnik from the hills This is your opportunity to travel in his stead. Make the voyage to Venice and read Othello and the Merchant of Venice along its canals; journey to Verona and read about…
The English Department: Are You a Member? Faculty and majors in the English Department look forward to hosting potential majors this Wednesday and Thursday from 4-6 PM each day. For the first time ever, the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences is holding their annual majors fair in the actual departments. That means that students…
GWU is gearing up to accept new applications to its MA and PhD programs in English. Due dates are early February and early January respectively. Please share with your most valued, prized undergraduate/graduate students looking to take up further research in our key areas of study including: Medieval and Early Modern Literature, British Postcolonialism, American…