Fresh-Baked English Links

Our sidebar has grown quite long, lengthened by the occasional poll, a request for feedback, and list of department supporters. Scrolling the entire length of our sidebar can be a daunting task, so let me call attention to a few promising sections in which you might be interested, and to which you will hopefully contribute.

First, we have collected various hyperlinks relating to English @ GW, which will help you find websites related to the GW English Department.

Next, we are proud to supply you with hyperlinks related to English @ DC. This modest collection of literary links will guide you to English-themed events and organizations in the District of Columbia (and surrounding areas). If you know of any more websites that might be of interest to DCitizens, don’t hesitate to post them in the comments section.

Our Friends on the Web section is home to other websites we like, but which are peripheral to our main goals of promoting English literature at GW and in DC. Each link below might relate to one of three keywords (English, GW, DC), but seldom all of them. Want to be our friend? Let us know in the comments.

As we collect more links over time, we hope to expand these sections. We always want to provide more services to you, the reader–so make sure you contribute links of your own, and check our sidebar often for info that might make your day a little bit more interesting.

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