New Series Editor at 333Sound: Professor Gayle Wald
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Professor Gayle Wald |
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Professor Gayle Wald |
GW English professor Alexa Alice Joubin‘s new book on world literature and intercultural theater draws on theories of aesthetic humanism to explain the force of literature in globalization. The book is entitled Weltliteratur und Welttheater: Ästhetischer Humanismus in der kulturellen Globalisierung. The aestheticization of politics in the twentieth century has structured political life as an…
Vinod Busjeet This year the Washington DC Jewish Community Center challenge was to write about a major world event that had an impact on your life.Vinod Busjeet has been named the winner of the Hyman S. and Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival Community Prize in the over 18 category. Busjeet is currently a proctor in Faye Moskowitz’s Advanced…
Gayle Wald wants you to know that her office door is always open. As the new department chair after January 1, 2010, Wald hopes to bridge the imaginary gap between faculty and students. “I want to engage the undergraduate majors. To give them a feeling of belonging to something through events and enhanced advising,” she…
We’re happy to share Jane Shore’s new poem, “This One,” now in both the print and online version of the current issue of The New Yorker! You can access the poem at The New Yorker’s website here. Share on FacebookTweet
For the last year, PhD student D. Gilson has been soliciting poems, essays, and artwork for a special collection from the academic journal Upstart: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies. In fact, this collection, titled Out of Sequence: The Sonnets Remixed, brings together 154 writers and artists responding to Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Gilson explains, “After reading…
The Jenny McKean Moore Fund was established in honor of the late Jenny Moore, who was a playwrighting student at GW and who left in trust a fund that has, for almost forty years, encouraged the teaching and study of Creative Writing in the English Department, allowing us to bring a poet, novelist, playwright, or creative non-fiction…