Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!

Welcome back to campus and to the 2024-25 academic year, with a special welcome to first-year students and newly declared majors and minors! I’m delighted to greet you in my role as new department chair.

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Congratulations to Matt Munkacsy, winner of our T-Shirt contest! (This is NOT Matt in the picture above). To buy your own T-shirt, …

Although all of the Inauguration Festivities are likely in their own way to be worth attending, allow me to call your attention …

The course descriptions are online. Registration begins this week. Faculty will be holding extra office hours to lift holds and for advising.

This message is addressed to the wealthy potential donors who read our blog religiously. We know there are many of you out …

The deadline for the T-shirt contest is Friday 11/2. Earn enduring fame via your clever logo! The deadline for applying for the …