Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!

Welcome back to campus and to the 2024-25 academic year, with a special welcome to first-year students and newly declared majors and minors! I’m delighted to greet you in my role as new department chair.

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Dear English majors: A number of you have inquired about the deadline for applications to the English Honors program. I just wanted …

We need your help!

Help design a T-shirt for GWU English! The English Department is sponsoring a contest to design a T-shirt. Submit your (funny) phrase …

English 40W: Myths of BritainSpring Semester 2008taught by Jeffrey J. Cohen Much great English literature turns out not to be so English …

Futures of the Field

Dear English majors, Please join us for a special event — a forum for English majors called FUTURES OF THE FIELD: THE …

Nadeem Aslam’s visa has been so delayed by government scrutiny that it will not be granted in time to enable our October …

I met last week with the staff of GW’s Advancement office to speak about projects with which they might assist the English …