Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!

Welcome back to campus and to the 2024-25 academic year, with a special welcome to first-year students and newly declared majors and minors! I’m delighted to greet you in my role as new department chair.

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l’shana tova

Here’s wishing a good new year to all readers of the English Department’s blog.

Dear English major, I hope that your semester is off to a good start. Many of you will have noticed that we …

We are very happy to welcome the medievalist Jonathan Hsy to our faculty. We asked Professor Hsy to say a few words …

A few years ago GW initiated a Writing in the Disciplines (WID) program to ensure that the attention to writing given in …

This fall we’ve introduced a new undergraduate literature course that places American texts within a hemispheric frame. Taught by Gayle Wald, the …