Professor Alexa Alice Joubin: Race and the Epistemologies of Otherness
Book link: https://www.routledge.
Come celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday TODAY with GW English students and faculty. This birthday bash (with food, poetry readings, crafts, and more) starts at 2pm on the Gelman Library terrace (overlooking Kogan Plaza) and is co-organized by the GW Bardians, English, Gelman Library, and the Dean’s Scholars in Shakespeare Program. #WillsBDay A message from the GW…
Melville and Whitman in Washington: The Civil War Years and After History • Politics • Nation • Memory The Ninth International Melville Conference Washington , DC • June 4-7, 2013 8:30 a.m., June 4, to 1 p.m., June 7 Featured Keynote Speakers Ken Price (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Ed Folsom (Universityof Iowa), Elizabeth Renker (Ohio State University), and…
Dear English majors, Please join us for a special event — a forum for English majors called FUTURES OF THE FIELD: THE ENGLISH MAJOR IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY English professors Herman Carillo, Jeffrey Cohen, Kavita Daiya, Robert McRuer, Jonathan Gil Harris, Gayle Wald, and Tara Wallace will speak about new directions, developments and possibilities in…
Sunaura Taylor, Arctic Wheelchair, 2013 UWatercolor and Ink on Paper, 7″ x 10″ UPDATED DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS! October 31, 2015 George Washington University’s biennial Composing Disability Conference returns in Spring 2016 with the theme of “Crip Ecologies.” The event will be held April 7-8, 2016; featured speakers include Sunaura Taylor and Riva Lehrer, with others to…
The South African Project, a benefit performance featuring youth performers from the Bokamoso Youth Center of Winterveldt, South Africa. The rural township of Winterveldt, South Africa is plagued with serious challenges, including a 50% unemployment rate and an HIV/AIDS infection rate that affects 25% of the population; teen pregnancy and family violence; and other social…
Dr. Jonathan Hope Please join us for the George Washington University’s Medieval & Early Modern Studies Institute’s Annual Shakespeare Lecture and reception with Dr. Jonathan Hope Monstrous Devices or Shakespeare Machines? Can Computers Read Hamlet for You? Friday, September 8, 2017 4-5:30 pm, Post Hall (on GWU’s Mount Vernon Campus) Free and open to the public; free…