The Washington Area Romanticists Group Hosts Anne McCarthy

Join Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Residence Brando Skyhorse and Acting Director of Creative Writing Lisa Page in a discussion to be held this Monday at the Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital. Presented by Hill Center & PEN/Faulkner. 921 Pennsylvania Ave SE, at 7:00 PM. Free and Open to the Public. Share on FacebookTweet
Don’t miss the next event in our Jenny McKean Moore Reading Series: Kiese Laymon who will present this Thursday, at 7:30 PM, in the Marvin Center Amphitheater. Laymon is the author of the novel, Long Division, and a collection of essays entitled, How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America. He is Associate Professor of…
The last weeks of April are busy ones on campus. Here are three upcoming events of interest. Come out to hear our own Jane Shore on April 19 at 7:30 p.m. in Phillips B156. Prof. Shore will be reading from That Said, New and Selected Poems (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), in an event sponsored by the…
Louis Bayard will be giving a reading Thursday January 31st at 7:30pm in the Honors Town House (714 21st St NW). Bayard teaches Creative Writing here at the George Washington University and is the author of The School of Night, The Black Towers, The Pale Blue Eye, and other critically acclaimed novels. As a child, Professor…
This coming Wednesday: an important panel and audience discussion sponsored by the Africana Studies Program and the Multicultural Student Services Center. Share on FacebookTweet
Trey Ellis The GW English Department is pleased to welcome Trey Ellis as part of the Jenny McKean Moore Reading Series. Ellis, currently an associate professor in the Graduate School of the Arts at Columbia University, is a novelist, screenwriter, playwright, and essayist. He is the author of several novels, Platitudes, Home Repairs, Bedtime Stories:…