Thomas Mallon in the NYT
from Sunday’s Book Review:
Thomas Mallon began contributing to the Book Review 25 years ago, just after the publication of “A Book of One’s Own: People and Their Diaries.”
from Sunday’s Book Review:
Thomas Mallon began contributing to the Book Review 25 years ago, just after the publication of “A Book of One’s Own: People and Their Diaries.”
Joe Fisher’s student-run blog, entitled “You Made Me Theorize,” is up and running. The blog is a class project of English 120, “Critical Methods.” The course examines the history and diversity of interpretive modes for literature and culture. Professor Fisher invites all readers to follow–and comment on–what will surely be spirited debates about Russian formalism,…
Stepping into Gregory Pardlo’s office is an odd, but charming combination of thrift store and art museum. Picasso adorns the wall as well as a salvaged window screen from Brooklyn. They are not just mere decorations, but help to explain some the fundamentals of GW’s newest creative writing professor. For Pardlo is not just a…
Our sincere apologies for the fact that our tea and sherry swilling party was cut short by the evacuation of the Academic Center due to a suspicious package. Alumni will be heartened to know that six brave faculty members endured the long wait for re-entry to Rome Hall, then imbibed the remaining sherry … and…
This message is addressed to the wealthy potential donors who read our blog religiously. We know there are many of you out there, even if so far you have failed to send a sign of your actual existence. A frustration for faculty and students alike is that we possess no welcoming space outside of the…
If you were paying close attention during Michael Chabon’s public reading last month, you would have caught a reference to Edgar Rice Burroughs’ novel The Gods of Mars in the second story he read, “First First Father.” In the story, Chabon compared his experience to the unknowability of a nine color spectrum, which is experienced…
An “endowed chair” is a professorship awarded as an ultimate honor to a scholar and teacher. We don’t have any in the English department, but hope to possess one some day. Endowing a chair is as easy as writing a check for two and a half million dollars. In case you have that kind of…