Professor Marshall Alcorn
English Department Chair |
On behalf of the GW English Department, I would like to welcome you to our 2017-2018 Academic year. Please explore our blog to learn more about us and what we are doing. Visit us in our offices when you have time. We want to help you develop as writers and thinkers, and we are always happy to chat and to answer questions. Our website is undergoing revision this year. Our blog will keep you up to date with our many planned activities. Give us feedback if you have ideas about what we might do or what we might post on our web pages. You will find notice of many events held throughout the year posted on our blog.
GW Creative Writing will host this year’s Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Washington, poet Sally Wen Mao. Sally will be teaching courses in the department. She will give a reading in September as part of the Jenny McKean Moore Reading Series September 14th, at 7:30 pm in Gelman 702. In addition to Ms. Mao, Sir Andrew Motion, Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1999 to 2009 will read Dec. 1in the Churchill Room of Gelman.
The Department continues to lead the university in publications. The Chair submits a Departmental Annual Report each year, noting the productivity of our department. Part of the report lists publications that have appeared over the past year (from June 1, 2016 – May 31, 2017). Those publications are listed below. Please explore our work, the creative writing and scholarship we’ve been generating. I thank you in advance for your generosity and your continued support of all we do.
Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (our plan is to be much more active on Twitter in the year ahead). And please stop by and see me in the main office of the Department.
English Faculty Accomplishments 2016-2017
This year our faculty produced 2 single authored books, one co-authored book, one co-edited book, one co-edited journal collection, 31 essays, 10 book reviews, 4 poems and one short story. Details are below.
Daniel DeWispelare: Multilingual Subjects: On Standard English, Its Speakers, and Others in the Long Eighteenth Century (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017
Jennifer Green-Lewis: Victorian Photography, Literature, and the invention of Modern Memory: Already the Past. London: Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2017.
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen: Earth, co-authored with Lindy Elkins-Tanton, Bloomsbury press.
Alexa Alice Joubin: Co-edited The Shakespearean International Yearbook, Volume 16: Shakespeare on Site, Routledge
Holly Dugan: Journal collection: Journal Collection: Early Modern Culture, Karl Steel, 2016 Jan, Special cluster of essays in Early Modern Culture, edited with Karl Steel, Early Modern Culture, Volume 11 (Summer 2016).
Articles, Book Chapters, Creative Works
Jennifer Chang:
“Lost Child” (poem), Boston Review, January 2017
“How to Live in an American Town” (poem), Narrative, 9 July 2016
Jeffrey Cohen
“Disanthropocene, Senes from Paradise, 2017 Feb. contribution to the catalog for Scenes from Paradise by Lenore Malen, Studio 10 Brooklyn NY 11206.
“Aninormality, Fragments for a History of a Vanishing Humanism,” Myra Seaman and Elieen A. Joy, Ohio State University Press.
“Monster Classroom (Seven Theses), Monsters in the Classroom: Essays on Teaching What Scares Us” , Adam Golub and Heather Richardson Hayton, McFarland and Company.
“Posthuman Environs”, in Environmental Humanities: Voices from the
Anthropocene, Eds. Serenella Iovino and Serpil Oppermann, Rowman & Littlefield.
“Assembling the Ecological Digital Humanities,” Jeffrey Jerome Cohen and Stephanie LeMenager, PMLA, 2016.
“How to Live in Uncertain Times,” Public Books, 2016 Nov.
[Encyclopedia Entry] Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Environing, Lexicon for an Anthropocene Yet Unseen, 2016 Apr, Lexicon for an Anthropocene Yet Unseen, ed. Cymene Howe and Anand Pandian and sponsored by the journal Cultural Anthropology, a flagship journal in the field of anthropology.
Daneil DeWispelare
Daniel DeWispelare, Multilingual Subjects: On Standard English, Its Speakers, and Others in the Long Eighteenth Century (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2017 [May 22, 2017])
Holly Dugan
“Juniper and Ravishment: The Role of Smell in Seventeenth-Century Pain Narratives,” De Achttiende EEUW, Vol. 48 (2016): 157-168.
“Double Falsehood: and the lost history of rape,” The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Embodiment: Gender, Sexuality, and Race. Ed. Valerie Taub. OXford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
[Non-Refereed Article] Holly Dugan and Karl Steel, Introduction: “Fabulous Animals”, EMC, 2017
Jonathan Hsy
“Language Ecologies: Ethics, Community, and Digital Affect,” PMLA, 2016 Aug, Vol. 131, No. 2 (March 2016): 373-380. Special cluster on “The Changing Profession: Assembling the Ecological Digital Humanities” (eds. Jeffrey Cohen and Stephanie LeMenager). DOI: 10.1632/pmla.2016.131.2.373
“Symptom and Surface: Disruptive Deafness and Medieval Medical Authority,” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 2016 Aug, Symposium: “Composing Disability: Diagnosis, Interrupted” (eds. Joseph Fisher, Wade Fletcher, and Abby Wilkerson)
“Close Listening: Talking Books, Blind Readers, and Medieval Worldmaking,” postmedieval, 2016 June, Special Issue: “After Eco: Novel Medievalisms” (eds. Bruce Holsinger and Stephanie Trigg), postmedieval Vol. 7, No. 2 (Summer 2016): 181-192.
Alexa Alice Joubin
“Shakespeare on Film in Asia,” The Shakespearean World, Jill L. Levenson and Robert Ormsby, Routledge, 9780415732529, 2017, “Shakespeare on Film in Asia.” Chapter 12 of The Shakespearean World, ed. Jill L. Levenson and Robert Ormsby (London: Routledge, 2017).
“Intercultural Theatre and Shakespeare Productions in Asia.” Sinophone Theatres: China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, Routledge Handbook of Asian Theatre, Siyuan Liu, Routledge, 9781138099319, 2016, “Intercultural Theatre and Shakespeare Productions in Asia. Sinophone Theatres: China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.” Routledge Handbook of Asian Theatre, ed. Siyuan Liu. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2016. pp. 513-517.
“It is the east”: Shakespearean Tragedies in East Asia, The Oxford Handbook to Shakespearean Tragedy, Michael Neill and David Schalkwyk, Oxford University Press, 9780198724193, 2016, “‘It is the east’: Shakespearean Tragedies in East Asia,” chapter 54 of The Oxford Handbook to Shakespearean.
“Boomerang Shakespeare: Foreign Shakespeare in Britain.” The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare Vol. 2: The World’s Shakespeare, 1660- Present, ed. Bruce Smith (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), pp. 1094-1101.
“Global Diasporas as Reflected in the Work of Ong Keng Sen,” The Cambridge Guide to the Worlds of Shakespeare Vol. 2: The World’s Shakespeare, 1660-Present, ed. Bruce Smith (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), pp. 1212-1219.
“Appropriating Shakespeare as an Act of Citation.”, Review of English and American Literature, Vol. 29 Winter 2016: 1-13, 2016 Dec, “Appropriating Shakespeare as an Act of Citation.” Review of English and American Literature, Vol. 29 Winter 2016: 1-13
“Hamlet and Man Ray’s Painting,” Blogging Shakespeare: Embracing Shakespearean Conversation in a Digital Age, 2016 Nov
“Translating Shakespeare,” Oxford University Press Illuminating Shakespeare, 2016 July
“Censure me in your wisdom”: Bowdlerized Shakespeare in the nineteenth century., Index on Censorship, 2016 June
“Global Shakespeare as a Tautological Myth,” Scripta Uniandrade: Revista da Pós-Graduação em Letras 14.2 (2016), 2016
Robert McRuer
“Curb Cuts: Crip Displacements and El Edificio de Enfrente,” Somatechnics, 2016 Sep, Special issue on Cripping Development, Ed. Kateřina Kolářová and M. Katharina Wiedlack, Volume 6.2 (2016): 198-215.
“No Future for Crips: Disorderly Conduct in the New World Order; or, Disability Studies on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown,” Culture-Theory-Disability: Encounters between Disability Studies and Cultural Studies, Anne Waldschmidt, Hanjo Berressem, and Moritz Ingwersen, Transcript-Verlag, 3837625338, 2017 Feb, Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript-Verlag, 2017. 63-77.
Reprint: “Crip,” Interalia: A Journal of Queer Studies, 2016 Aug, Special issue on “Ugly Bodies: Queer Perspectives on Illness, Disability, and Aging” 11 (2016), Ed.Tomasz Sikora and Dominika Ferens, Translated into Polish by Dominika Ferens.
David Mitchell
David T. Mitchell & Sharon L. Snyder, “Disability Materialisms: ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder), the Critique of Normative Cognition, and Cross-Species Identifications”Disability Studies and the Environmental Humanities, Sarah Jacquette Ray & JC Sibara, University of Nebraska Press,
David T. Mitchell & Sharon L. Snyder, “Global In(ter)dependent Disability Cinema: Targeting Ephemeral Domains of Belief and Cultivating Aficionados of the Body”, Cultures of Representation: Disability in World Cinema Contexts., Benjamin Reiss, The Wallflower Press, 0231177496, 2016 Mar
David T. Mitchell & Sharon L. Snyder, “The Matter of Disability,” Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 2016 Jul, December 2016, volume 13, issue 4, pages 487-492.
Kim Moreland
“Determinism as a Defining Element in Fitzgerald’s Oeuvre, 1920-1940: Literary Naturalism and ‘The Cut-Glass Bowl,’ ‘The Ice Palace,’ The Great Gatsby, Tender is the Night, The Last Tycoon, The Crack-Up, and Other Texts.”, JAST: Journal of American Studies in Turkey, 2016 Dec, JAST, 45 (Fall 2016): 33-108.
Ayanna Thompson
Ayanna Thompson & Jason Demeter, “Shakespeare and Early Modern Race Studies: An Overview of the Field”, The Shakespearean World, Jill Levenson & Robert Ormsby, Routledge, 2017
Ayanna Thompson & Jason Demeter, “The Merchant of Ashland: The Confusing Case of an Organized Minority Response at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival”, The Shakespearean International Yearbook, Susan Bennett, Routledge, 2016
Jane Shore:
[story] Jane Shore, “A Fish Story”, Tikkun, 2017 Apr, Page 80.
[reprints] Jane Shore, “Our Fathers” and “Mom’s Grande Baroque”, Roads Taken: Contemporary Vermont Poetry, Edited by Sydney Lea and Robin Barone, Green Writers Press, 2017, pps. 237, 238., 2017,.
Jung Yun
“What Becomes of the Broken Hearted: A Review of ‘A Small Revolution.’” The Los Angeles Review of Books. Publication forthcoming May 2017. Print.
Yun, Jung H., Brian Baldi, and Mary Deane Sorcinelli. “Mutual Mentoring for Early-Career and Underrepresented Faculty: Model, Research, and Practice.” Innovative Higher Education 41.5 (2016): 441-451. Print
Book Reviews
‘Review’ of Fiona Ritchie, Women and Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century, Shakespeare Quarterly, 2016 Dec, volume 67, number 3, 388-90
“Drawing the Line: The Father Reimagined in Faulkner, Wright, O’Connor and Morrison” Review, Modern Fiction Studies, 2015 Sep, Modern Fiction Studies. Fall2015, Vol. 61 Issue 3, p562-564. 3p.
Ellen Samuels: Fantasies of Identification: Disability, Gender, Race., Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies, 2016 Oct, October 2016, volume 10 issue 3, pages
Matthew Irwin, The Poetic Voices of John Gower: Politics and Personae in the ‘Confessio
Amantis.’ (Woodbridge: Brewer, 2014), Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 2017 Mar, 116, 1 (January 2017): 118-120.
Julia Margaret Cameron’s “Fancy Subjects”: Photographic allegories
of Victorian identity and empire, by Jeff Rosen, Journal of British Studies, 2017 Jan, Journal of British Studies. 56.1 (January 2017). 216-17.
Literature and Photography in Transition, 1850-1915, by Owen
Clayton, Victorian Studies, 2016, Victorian Studies. 58. 4 (Summer 2016). 763-65.
“Miriam Jacobson, Barbarous Antiquity: Reorienting the
Past in the Poetry of Early Modern England,” Modern Philology 114, no. 2 (November 2016): E88-E90.
“Joe Moshenska Feeling Pleasure: The Sense of Touch in the English Renaissance, The
Spenser Review, 2016 Mar, Book review for Spenser Review.
“Review of E. M. Rose, The Murder of William of Norwich: The Origins of the Blood Libel”in Medieval Europe,” The Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 2016 Aug: 410-11.
“Emergence and Territory,” Journal of Historical Geography, “ 201 Nov, Contribution to The Birth of Territory: A Review Forum, ed. Stephen Legg, Journal of Historical Geography (2015): 5-7.