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Folger Seminar at CCAS website
To all current and prospective English majors: you too can live the glamorous life of the archival researcher at the Folger. Follow this link to learn a bit more about our GW-Folger Undergraduate Research Seminar, which will be accepting applications in spring 2009. Can you spot which of these dapper persons in the photo at…
Thanks to Recent Donors to GW English
The English Department relies on the generous gifts of its friends, especially its alumni friends, to maintain the excellence of the programs we offer to undergraduates and graduate students. Donor contributions allow us to present lectures and readings, fund scholarly travel, and underwrite research at all levels, from undergraduate to full professor. We thank the…
Looking for Fall 2010? Look No Further.
Today I’m reposting information about Prof. Jeffrey Cohen’s ENGL 42W: Myths of Britain course for fall 2010. There are still spots left in this class, which meets twice weekly, once for a lecture and once for a break-out session. The class fulfills the English Department prerequisite, and it also satisfies Humanities and WID general curriculum…
New Course: Myths of Britain
English 40W: Myths of BritainSpring Semester 2008taught by Jeffrey J. Cohen Much great English literature turns out not to be so English after all: the action of the epic Beowulf unfolds in Scandinavia; King Arthur was a Welsh king before he was an English one; Shakespeare’s Tempest takes place on an island in the Mediterranean,…
What Are You Reading Over Spring Break?
Here’s a suggestion. Here’s another. And another. And then you can have these books signed by MICHAEL CHABON himself on Monday, March 23 at 7 PM in the Jack Morton Auditorium. Chabon will be introduced by Edward P. Jones, will read from his work, and will be interviewed live by Faye Moskowitz. Book signing follows….
Renaissance Drama Course for Fall 2012
English Majors! There is still room in this great course for fall taught by Professor Katherine Keller. It will, of course, fulfill a pre-1700 requirement … but it will also be one of the best courses you take with us. Renaissance Drama ENGL 3810.11 Tues/Thurs 11:10-12:25 Professor Katherine Keller Shakespeare’s preeminent role in the early…