English Professor Daniel DeWispelare Reads a Poem
GW English Professor Kavita Daiya Prof. Kavita Daiya, who teaches postcolonial and South Asian American Literature and Cinema in the department recently was invited to give a talk at the State Department’s Institute for Foreign Services. She is the author of Violent Belongings: Partition,Gender and National Culture in Postcolonial India (Temple UP, 2008; Delhi: Yoda Press, 2013). …
Suffolk County New York Poet Laureate Pramila Venkateswaran Professor Pramila Venkateswaran, who received her PhD from GW’s English Department in 1988, recently became the Poet Laureate of Suffolk County, New York. We chatted with Professor Venkateswaran about her selection as laureate, her poetry, and her memories of the GW English department: 1. When did you graduate…
Prof. Harris’s book collects his Sedgewick Memorial Lecture from 2011. Prof. Gil Harris has been on sabbatical this year, writing and doing research in India. But that doesn’t mean he has taken a hiatus in publishing. His newly released “Marvellous Repossessions: The Tempest, Globalization, and the Waking Dream of Paradise” is based on the Sedgewick…
Alumna Zeina Mohammed shares insight on her experience as an English major “People Need English Majors”: Sitting Down with GW English Alumna Zeina Mohammed as told to Maryam Gilanshah, Creative Writing 2021 Why did you choose GW and Washington, D.C.? Why make that switch? Z: So my family actually lives in Washington DC….
J. Grigsby Crawford, a 2008 GW graduate who minored in English, has published a book titled The Gringo: A Memoir, which chronicles his two-year experience as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Amazon. And it is far from your typical story of travel or life abroad. The Gringo—filled with a wide range of bizarre adventures—is…
“Raising High & Saying Goodbye: Rebecca Radillo is a graduating senior majoring in English. She currently has an internship with TheDailyFandom.org where she writes on pop culture with an academic lens–she already has an article published analyzing Doctor Strange through an Orientalist and disability lens. She will be attending Boston College in the fall for…