Haiku Contest Winners
The GW English Department congratulates the winners of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences Haiku contest! All are graduates of Creative Writing courses in this department, which makes us extra proud.
The GW English Department congratulates the winners of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences Haiku contest! All are graduates of Creative Writing courses in this department, which makes us extra proud.
The English department is very pleased to introduce readers of this blog to our newest faculty member, Dr. Daniel DeWispelare, who will be joining us as an assistant professor in September. Prof. DeWispelare received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania, and does research primarily in the British nineteenth century, with a focus on Romanticism,…
GW English professor Alexa Alice Joubin‘s new book on world literature and intercultural theater draws on theories of aesthetic humanism to explain the force of literature in globalization. The book is entitled Weltliteratur und Welttheater: Ästhetischer Humanismus in der kulturellen Globalisierung. The aestheticization of politics in the twentieth century has structured political life as an…
GW English professor Alexa Alice Joubin was named the inaugural recipient of the bell hooks Legacy Award on April 7, 2023. The Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association (PCA / ACA) established the award to commemorate the late feminist writer and activist bell hooks (1952-2021) who has authored more than 30 books. Alexa Alice Joubin…
Nirmala Menon GW PhD, 2008 “YOU NEVER QUITE GROW UP FROM WANTING TO CHANGE THE WORLD” – Nirmala Menon talks about her career, and about GW After she earned her PhD from GW’s English department, Nirmala Menon took an Assistant Professor position at Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire. Four years later, she decided to…
The Knicknackery, a new literary magazine was started by Keren Veisblatt Toledano ’09 and Sonja Vitow ’09, former editors of GW literary publication le culte du moi. Keren and Sonja wrote in to describe their new venture: “THE KNICKNACKERY IS A COLLECTION OF SMALL, ECLECTIC THINGS. SO ARE WE. We’re looking for work that plays jump rope…
This Spring, Daniel DeWisepelare has been teaching Critical Methods (ENGL 2800W), and his students for this course will be presenting their work on critical theory and literature at “A Critical Methods Symposium and Party” today at 2pm in Rome Hall 771. The Symposium is in its second year and testifies to the thriving culture in…