Poem of the Day: Oscar Wilde’s ““Hélas” (with writing prompts!)
—Margot Hoffman
Invictus Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul. In the fell clutch of circumstance I have not winced nor cried aloud. Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. Beyond…
Dear English Department community, Welcome back, and a special welcome to newly declared English majors just joining us for the first time! Given how isolated we all have been since covid-19 erupted this past winter, it feels especially good to reconnect this fall, albeit virtually. My work as the chair of the Department…
In early December, alumni Cameron LeBrun and Joey Garber dropped in on Professor Annie Liontas’ Nonfiction Workshop. The GW graduates collaborated on their new and innovative podcast Double Feature: Hear Me & Drinking with Ghosts. The 11-episode podcast is a humorous and fresh take on “true” crime, that investigates the murder of Alaska Curtis from…
from the latest edition of the GW student publication le culte du moi American Girls by Jane Shore The first of the dolls she asked for was Addy, a Negro slave escaped from the Civil War. Addy arrived at Emma’s sixth birthday party wearing her historically accurate dress, drawers, stockings, cap-toed boots, and carrying a…
Name Like an Empty Bag My house is a mess. Fuck. Fuck. I burned my sweater on the stove. The smell of melted acetate, of reading. What if I hate it just because she does a better job of being me than I do? Too familiar, the sound of keeping my mouth closed. I am…
A view of Dublin Our first Academic Year 2013-2014 entry in our On the Road series comes from Assistant Professor Daniel DeWispelare: Research archives exist in diverse forms: some actual, some digital, others museal, or microfilmic, etc. And for a certain species of literary scholar, of which I am one, the physical archive is…