Professor McRuer in Mexico’s
Museo Nacional de Antropología |
It’s hard to believe that it’s already mid-August and that classes at The George Washington University start one week from Monday. Our faculty has been far and wide this summer and, indeed, you should watch this blog in the days ahead for news of all the projects we have been engaged in over the past few months. I myself am finishing up a brief research trip in Mexico City, where I’ve been talking to a number of people about Colonia Roma, a rapidly-changing neighborhood west of the historic center. I’m studying a photographic installation that was made about Colonia Roma as part of the global project “Museo de los Desplazados”/Museum of the Displaced, which spotlights and critiques the role of culture in processes of gentrification. Other faculty members have been reearching or studying in Hawaii, Iceland, England, South Africa or teaching at the Bread Loaf School of English in Vermont; some of those stories will unfold here at this blog soon.
In the meantime, we’ve been gearing up for what promises to be an amazing academic year. Indeed, the English Department faculty is meeting for an all-day retreat next week to talk about all the ways we hope to make Academic Year 2014-2015 one of our best years ever for our undergraduate majors, our graduate program, our alums, our colleagues across the university, and our friends in the community. Alums, please remember that we love to tell your stories here; Professor Margaret Soltan remains the alumni liaison for this blog and will be very happy to hear of your success and adventures and feature them here.
We’ll be kicking off the year with the annual lecture for the Dean’s Scholars in Shakespeare, given this year by Professor Rebecca Bushnell of the University of Pennsylvania, the current president of the Shakespeare Association of America. Our Wang Distinguished Professor-in-Residence, in late October, will be Simon Gikandi, who is a Professor of English at Princeton University and editor of PMLA, the official journal of the Modern Language Association. Professor Gikandi researches the Anglophone Literatures and Cultures of Africa, India, the Caribbean, and Postcolonial Britain, the “Black” Atlantic and the African Diaspora. Our Creative Writing Program will host Brando Skyhorse, this year’s Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Washington, who arrives soon and will read in September as part of the Jenny McKean Moore Reading Series. The GW Medieval and Early Modern Studies Institute and the GW Digital Humanities Institute will similarly have a full range of programming in the year ahead. Our calendar (to the right) will have all the details for upcoming GW English events.
I urge you to consider using the CONTRIBUTE link at right, and designating your gift to the Department of English. The Department continues to thrive; in fact, I’ve just completed our Annual Report and my colleagues continue to inspire me with their incredible productivity. Part of the report lists selected publications that have appeared over the past year; below my signature line here, take a look at that section of the report — and of course feel free to read the creative work and scholarship we’ve been generating. I thank you in advance for your generosity and your continued support of all we do.
Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (and, yes, we promise that we’ll start to Tweet more soon!). And please stop by and see me in the main office of the Department.
Yours truly,
Robert McRuer
Professor and Chair
Selected Publications from GW English, 2013-2014:
Marshall Alcorn, Resistance to Learning: Overcoming the Desire-Not-To-Know in Classroom Teaching, Palgrave-Macmillan.
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, ed., Prismatic Ecology: Ecotheory beyond Green, University of Minnesota Press.
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, ed., Burn after Reading: The Future We Want—A Collaboration, Oliphaunt/Punctum Books.
Jonathan Hsy, Trading Tongues: Merchants, Multilingualism, and Medieval Literature, Ohio State University Press.
Selected Essays:
Jennifer Chang, “On Forgetting and Other Natural Erasures,” The Volta (premier online journal of poetry and poetics).
Patricia P. Chu, “Bildung and the Asian American Bildungsroman,” in The Routledge Companion to Asian American and Pacific Islander Literature, ed. Rachel C. Lee.
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, “Introduction: Ecology’s Rainbow” and “Grey,” in Prismatic Ecology: Ecotheory beyond Green, ed. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen.
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, “The Future of the Jews of York,” in Christians and Jews in Medieval England: Narratives and Contexts for the York 1190 Massacre, ed. Sarah Rees Jones and Sethina Watson.
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, “Elemental Relations,” O-Zone: A Journal of Object-Oriented Studies.
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, “In the Middle of the Early Modern,” Journal of Early Modern Cultural Studies.
Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, “Undead: A Zombie-Oriented Ontology,” Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts.
Daniel DeWispelare, “Teaching Romanticism and Translation through British Hebraism,” Romantic Circles Pedagogy.
Holly Dugan, “The Senses in Literature: Renaissance Poetry and the Pardox of Perception,” in Cultural History of the Senses, Vol III: The Renaissance, ed. Herman Roodenburg.
Holly Dugan, “Seeing Smell,” in The Senses in Early Modern England, 1558-1660, ed. Jaqueline Wilson and Simon Smith.
Holly Dugan, “Double Falsehood: Cardenio and the Lost History of Rape,” in Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Embodiment, ed. Valerie Traub.
Jennifer Green-Lewis, “Eye to Eye with the Trilobite: Time’s Texture and the Matter of Early Photography,” English Language Notes.
Jennifer Green-Lewis, “The Invention of Photography in the Victorian World,” in A Royal Passion: Queen Victoria and Photography, ed. Anne Lyden (long essay for exhibition catalog at the Getty).
Jennifer Green-Lewis, “The Victorian Novel and Photography,” in The Oxford Handbook of the Victorian Novel, ed. Lisa Rodensky.
Jonathan Hsy, “Blind Advocacy: Blind Readers, Disability Theory, and Accessing John Gower,” Accessus: A Journal of Premodern Literature and New Media.
Jonathan Hsy, “Distemporality: Richard III’s Body and the Car Park,” in “Finding Richard III: A Forum—Art, Archaeology, Disability, and Temporality,” ed. Will Stockton, Upstart: A Journal of English Renaissance Studies.
Jonathan Hsy, “Charles d’Orléans and a Disorienting Preposition/La Préposition Désorientée and Charles of Orleans” in “dystranslation,” ed. Chris Piuma and David Hadbawnik, kadar koli.
Jonathan Hsy, “Mobile Language-Networks and Medieval Travel Writing,” in “Medieval Mobilities,” ed. Laurie Finke et al., postmedieval: a journal of medieval studies.
Jonathan Hsy, “Translation Failure: The TARDIS, Cross-Temporal Language Contact, and Medieval Travel Narrative,” in The Language of Doctor Who: From Shakespeare to Alien Tongues, ed. Jason Barr and Camille D.G. Mustachio.
Alexa Alice Joubin, “The Locality of Cultural Identity and Knowledge Production: Observations from Early Modern Studies,” Chung-Wai Literary Quarterly.
Alexa Alice Joubin, “Global Shakespeares as Methodology,” Shakespeare: Journal of the British Shakespeare Association.
Alexa Alice Joubin, “Hamlet als Denkfigur: China,” in Hamlet Handbuch: Stoffe, Aneignungen, Deutungen, ed. Peter W. Marx.
Alexa Alice Joubin, “Screening Dutch Formosa in 2000: Taiwan as China’s Renegade Province in Wu Ziniu’s The Sino-Dutch War 1661,” in Scenes from Dutch Formosa: Staging Taiwan’s Colonial Past, ed. Llyn Scott.
Robert McRuer, “Epilogue: Disability, Inc.,” in Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada, ed. Liat Ben-Moshe, Chris Chapman, and Allison C. Carey.
Robert McRuer, “Pink,” in Prismatic Ecology: Ecotheory Beyond Green, ed. Jeffrey Jerome Cohen.
David Mitchell, “Gay Pasts and Disability Future(s) Tense: Heteronormative Trauma and Parasitism in Midnight Cowboy,” Journal of Literary and Cultural Disability Studies.
David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder, “Minority Model: From Liberal to Neoliberal Futures of Disability,” in Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies, ed. Nick Watson, Alan Roulstone, and Carol Thomas.
David Mitchell and Sharon Snyder, “Permutations of the Species: Disability Independent Film and the Critique of National Normativity,” Film Festival Yearbook 4: Film Festivals and Activism.
Kim Moreland, “Hemingway and Women at the Front: Blowing Bridges in ‘A Farewell to Arms,’ ‘The Fifth Column,’ and ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls,’” in New Perspectives on Ernest Hemingway’s Early Life and Writings, ed. Steve Paul, Gail Sinclair, and Steven Trouth.
Kim Moreland, “Death by Drowning: Trauma and ‘Islands in the Stream,’” in Hemingway, Cuba, and The Cuba Works, ed. Larry Grimes and Bickford Sylvester.
Lisa Page, “Edwidge Danicat Illuminates Haiti,” Virginia Quarterly Review.
Ann Romines, “The Well-Furnished Table: Food and Willa Cather’s Art,” Letterature D’America.
Ann Romines, “The Double Bind of Southern Food in Willa Cather’s Sapphira and the Slave Girl,” in Writing in the Kitchen: Essays on Southern Literature and Foodways, ed. David A. Davis and Tara Powell.
Evelyn Schreiber, “Power and Betrayal: Social Hierarchies and the Trauma of Loss in Love,” in New Essays on Toni Morrison’s Paradise, Love, and A Mercy, ed. Lucille P. Fultz.
Ayanna Thompson, “Introduction,” in Red Velvet, 2nd Edition.
Ayanna Thompson, “Black Macbeth,” Luminary Macbeth iPad Application.
Ayanna Thompson, “Cardenio: Shakespeare’s Lost Race Play?” in The Creation and Re-creation of Cardenio, ed. Terri Bourus and Gary Taylor.
Ayanna Thompson and Benjamin Minor, “Edgar I Nothing Am: Blackface in King Lear,” in Staged Transgression in Shakespeare’s England, ed. Rory Loughnane and Edel Semple.
Ayanna Thompson and Laura Turchi, “Shakespeare and the Common Core: An Opportunity to Reboot,” Phi Delta Kappan.
Gayle Wald, Preface, in The “Posts” of Passing, Passing Interest: Racial Passing in US Novels, Memoirs, Television, and Film, ed. Julie Cary Nerad.
Selected Articles:
Jennifer Chang, “The Public Life of Poetry: An Interview with Natasha Trethewey,” The Los Angeles Review of Books.
Alexa Alice Joubin, “The Humanities and Globalization in the the Twenty-First Century,” Open Times(article based on May 2013 Congressional Briefing on Capitol Hill).
Antonio López, “To Be Black in Cuba,” The Chronicle Review.
Thomas Mallon, Bookends, New York Times Book Review (Prof. Mallon contributes regularly to Bookends).
Thomas Mallon, “Scenes from a Marriage” and “The Devil’s Own,” Review Essays for The New York Times Book Review.
Thomas Mallon, “Born to Do It” and “Big Talker,” Review Essays for The New Yorker.
Lisa Page, “Rachel Urquhart’s The Visionist,” Washington Post Book World.
Margaret Soltan, “Everybody Must Get Stoned: Gender Segregation at British Universities,” Inside Higher Education (this is one example; Prof. Soltan maintains a regular column at IHE).
Selected Poems:
Jennifer Chang, “Genealogy,” in The Ecopoetry Anthology, ed. Ann Fisher-Wirth and Laura-Gray Street (selected for republication from The History of Anonymity).
Jennifer Chang, “River Pilgrim,” “End Note,” “Pastoral,” and “Genealogy,” in Beltway Poetry Journal (the first was reprinted from The Kenyon Review and the rest from The History of Anonymity).
David McAleavey, “Economics, a lament,” “Near frozen falls,” “The Devil’s Bowl,” “Wagnerian,” “We all saw the man,” Broadkill Review.
David McAleavey, “Being beauteous,” “Dawn,” and “Drifters,” The Knickknackery.
David McAleavey, “Andrew’s rocks/Cub Scouts” and “Drive-through safari park,” Keyhole.
David McAleavey, “Revealed” and “When my shirt dries,” Beltway Poetry Quarterly.
David McAleavey, “Below-grade connection” and “Rustlings,” Turk’s Head Review.
David McAleavey, “Big ifs,” The Evansville Review.
David McAleavey, “Waiting,” Drunken Boat.
David McAleavey, “Session,” Marco Polo Arts Magazine.
Jane Shore, “This One,” in The New Yorker.
Jane Shore, “Eau de Joy,” in The New Republic.
Jane Shore, “The Family Plot,” in Moment.
Jane Shore, “A Closer Look: 15 Poems by Jane Shore,” in Innisfree.
Jane Shore, “Last Words” and “A Yes-Or-No Answer” in The Bloomsbury Anthology of Contemporary Jewish American Poetry.
Selected Works of Fiction:
Thomas Mallon, “Magnified,” The Atlantic (Special JFK Anniversary Issue).
Faye Moskowitz, “The Twelfth of Never” and “The Things We Carry When We Come from Someplace Else,” in District Lines (new journal featuring Washington, DC writers).
Faye Moskowitz, “Finding Our Place,” in A Women’s Seder Haggadah.
Christopher Sten, with Alan Wade, Frank Conlon, and GW Students, “The Heart of the Stranger That Hover’d Near,” Recital Performance as part of National Civil War Project.
Thomas Mallon’s novel Fellow Travelers is being adapted into an operatic version with Prof. Mallon’s permission.
Film Screenings:
Ayanna Thompson had two juried screenings at the Chicago International Film Festival and the Memphis Indie Film Festival.
Ann Romines and Thomas Reese Gallagher, 2014: A Year with Willa Cather, Willa Cather Foundation.