Jim English lecture: Wed., March 5 at 2:30 p.m.
Live Nude Girl In The Devil’s Territory February 22nd, 2009, at 8pm in the Third Floor Ampitheater of the Marvin Center The George Washington Society of Arts and Letters is proud to present GWU alumna and author Kathleen Rooney with author Kyle Mino. Their book tour is entitled “Live Nude Girl In The Devil’s Territory.”…
Writer Jabari Asim will read from his book We Can’t Breathe: On Black Lives, White Lies, and the Art of Survival, March 7th, in Gelman 702 at 7:00 pm. Asim is the author of six books for adults and nine books for children. He was an editor and columnist for the Washington Post and editor in chief of The…
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Although all of the Inauguration Festivities are likely in their own way to be worth attending, allow me to call your attention to two that you will not want to miss, both of them on Wednesday November 14. 1. “Cultural Mobility: The Travels of Shakespeare’s Cardenio” by Stephen Greenblatt, Professor of English, Harvard University. In…
On Saturday, September 27, GW English is convening an afternoon symposium with six of our illustrious alums to talk about the many career paths available to students majoring in English. Join us for a conversation and reception as we hear from a speechwriter, a journalist, a dancer and choreographer, a filmmaker, an educator, and a…
Update: We regret to announce that this event is postponed — stay tuned for further details. Aldon Lynn Nielson will be hosting a discussion: “The Cry of my People:” Jazz, Poetry and the Black Arts on Friday, April 19 2-4 PM in Rome Hall 771 http://artonair.org/sites/default/files/imagecache/bodyview_enlarged/show/9063/node-image.jpg An alum from our very own English department, Aldon Nielsen…