New Course in Cinema Studies: Bollywood Cinema
With the Republican debates taking up most of media’s attention in the month of November, it seems fitting that GW should have its own debate—only, this one wasn’t political. Students from both Prof. Holly Dugan’s and Alexa Alice Joubin’s Shakespeare classes took to the stage in a debate concerning the protagonist of The Tempest—the topic…
The English Department at George Washington University includes one of the largest all-undergraduate creative writing programs in the U.S. Each semester between 400 and 500 students study the writing of plays, filmscripts, short fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction in small, 15-person classes. About half of these courses are at the introductory level, and appeal to…
April welcomes spring’s first flowers and the sustained bloom of National Poetry Month. It’s no coincidence that seeing with a brighter light—and feeling with a warmer disposition—redirects our attention to poems, wherein language becomes stranger, freer, and more like music. In the coming days, the students of Professor Jennifer Chang’s ENGL 2470 (Poetry Writing) course…
There’s still a chance to follow Shakespeare to Italy and Croatia. Read our original blog post here. The deadline for Shakespeare in the Mediterranean (HIST 3001/ENGL 3450) has been EXTENDED until March 20th. Please go to the Study Abroad web page or contact the faculty directors Suzanne Miller – and Katherine Keller – for more information. Share on…
To: English Majors From: Marshall Alcorn and Robert McRuer Re: ENGLISH HONORS January 23, 2009 Dear English Major, Welcome back to campus! You are warmly invited to apply to the English Department Honors Program. Department Honors offers a unique opportunity to participate in an intensive and supportive year-long program, comprising the fall and spring semesters…
Dean’s Seminar, Spring 2013 ENG1000: Global Shakespeare || Prof. Alexa Alice Joubin(Taught on Foggy Bottom) Course Description The 2012 London Olympics and the multilingual World Shakespeare Festival brought global Shakespeares home to Britain. Beyond the English-speaking world, his plays and motifs are present in the performance cultures of Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Asia/Pacific,…