Professor Alexa Alice Joubin: Race and the Epistemologies of Otherness
Book link: https://www.routledge.
December 10 (10 a.m. – 1 p.m): One thousand copies of The Known World will be given away for FREE in the Marvin Center January 29 (5 PM) Edward P. Jones Inaugural Reading, introduced by GW President Steven Knapp (Jack Morton Auditorium, School of Media and Public Affairs) February 18 (6:30 PM) “Knowing The Known…
Join Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Residence Brando Skyhorse and Acting Director of Creative Writing Lisa Page in a discussion to be held this Monday at the Hill Center at the Old Naval Hospital. Presented by Hill Center & PEN/Faulkner. 921 Pennsylvania Ave SE, at 7:00 PM. Free and Open to the Public. Share on FacebookTweet
Join us for “Passing in America,” the next installment of the Jenny McKean Moore Reading Series, on Friday, October 13th at 7:30 PM in Gelman Library, room 702. Moderated by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Clarence Page, this panel discussion will feature Gayle Wald, Brando Skyhorse, and Lisa Page, and aims to generate a discussion…
In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK Rowling describes a statue of the Potter family in Godric’s Hollow’s village square and a memorial sign in front of the house where James and Lily died but never explains where they came from. Listen to a theory about when these memorials were likely to have been…
Attendant with Pearls: Abolition, Portraiture, Agency, and the Properties of Benevolence is the topic of this year’s Wang Endowment Lecture, to be delivered by Professor Patricia Matthew. All are welcome!
We are proud to announce a panel for career paths for humanities PhDs on Thursday evening! This event features GW alumni, and we hope you will join us for what promises to be a great conversation. Succeeding Outside of the Academy: A Conversation About Career Paths For PhDs in the Humanities with Dr. Emily Dufton,…