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Student Letter Published in Washington Post

Congratulations to Chris Affambi! His letter to the editor of the Washington Post got published!

Here is Chris’s letter. You can also read it at this link on Washington Post.


     Migrants embarking on treacherous journeys to our country deserve to be treated with dignity, at the very least.

     Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is willing to use migrants as political pawns to “own the libs.” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) participated in similar games, sending busloads of migrants to D.C. and elsewhere, including recently to the residence of Vice President Harris.


     It is unfortunate that these governors seem to have no regard for the people they are sending to other states, and it is striking that such action is even legal considering the governors have faced allegations of misleading migrants to get them on the buses and planes. These allegations must be investigated by the proper authorities, and, should they be true, government officials partaking in these harmful political games should face the appropriate consequences. Migrants should not be political pawns.

Chris AffambiWashington

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