Two English Professors nominated for Professor of the Year
Prof. Lisa Page |
Prof. Lisa Page |
Spring 2012 will mark the fourth iteration of Jewish Literature Live, the unique course in which students read the works by writers who then visit their classroom for an intimate discussion. As before, each author visiting campus will give a free public reading. This year, the inimitable Prof. Faye Moskowitz has assembled a line-up of writers…
Jeanne M. Rose graduated with a degree in English twelve years ago. We asked her to let us know how she is doing. She writes: After graduating from GWU in 1995, I enrolled at the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY. My graduate work focused on the relationship between literature and composition, and my dissertation…
Queer theorist extraordinaire Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick has died at the age of 59. I’ve been teaching her work since I came to GW in 1994. Though most of my graduate school friends were turned on to her work by Between Men and Epistemology of the Closet, my favorite of her early volumes was the second…
This photo was photoshopped for this blog, but only because I took it with my cell phone last year. (It’s still a bit blurry, as you can see.) Remember the wall of Post-It Notes we had on the 7th floor of Rome Hall last year? Well, this is an authentic note that an anonymous student…
Check out Jane’s poem “Last Words”: Once the patient stops drinking liquids, he’s gotup to 14 days to live. If he takes even a sipof water, you reset the clock. Eleven days without a drop. The rabbimade his rounds. They stopped herIV and her oxygen. I asked themto please turn off the TV’s live feedto…
You may have seen senior Anya Firestone on the Dangerous Liaisons posters throughout campus a month ago. Or perhaps you have seen the fashionista in the flesh standing out in her heels and dress in a sea of flannel. However, this summer you will find Firestone in Paris, France. Firestone will be graduating this month,…