Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day!

Happy Indigenous Peoples’ Day!

Every October, Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebrates Native American peoples while commemorating their histories and cultures. To honor the holiday, the GW English Department has compiled a short-list of books written by Native American authors! Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Silko (Laguna Pueblo). Based on the oral traditions and ceremonial practices of the Pueblo and Navajo people, Silko’s…

Visiting Speaker: T. Kira Madden

Visiting Speaker: T. Kira Madden

Annie Liontas’ non-fiction workshop. Best known for her work as founding Editor-in-chief of literary and art magazine No Tokens, and her debut memoir, LONG LIVE THE TRIBE OF FATHERLESS GIRLS, Madden visited the writing workshop to provide insight into the inherent power and worth of nonfiction storytelling. In a statement from Professor Liontas, it becomes clear that…

Latinx Heritage Month Showcase

Latinx Heritage Month Showcase

 For Latinx Heritage Month, we are celebrating and showcasing the research of Prof. Antonio López, who works on Latinx literature and culture from the colonial era to the contemporary period. He is the author of “Unbecoming Blackness: The Diaspora Cultures of Afro-Cuban America” (New York: New York University Press, 2012). This book won Honorable Mention, Modern Language Association Book Prize…

Representation, Where Art Though? Shakespeare and Race, September 26

Representation, Where Art Though? Shakespeare and Race, September 26

  Join us for a conversation about the representation of BIPOC in Shakespeare’s work and productions.  Saturday, September 26th, 2020 from 3:00pm – 4:30pm Eastern Time (2 – 3:30 pm Central Time) The free event is hosted by the Dallas Public Library and features three speakers: GWU English professor Alexa Alice Joubin (whose book Race examines…

Annual Shakespeare Lecture

Annual Shakespeare Lecture

Our Annual Event is Upon Us! Register soon! Check out “Lecture: Shakespeare, Race, and Adaptation in the 21st Century”  Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lecture-shakespeare-race-and-adaptation-in-the-21st-century-tickets-119135564681@gwuenglish @eventbrite @gwuniversity @gwucolumbian #gwu #reading #english #shakespeare

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!

Dear English Department community,   Welcome back, and a special welcome to newly declared English majors just joining us for the first time! Given how isolated we all have been since covid-19 erupted this past winter, it feels especially good to reconnect this fall, albeit virtually.   My work as the chair of the Department…

Jenny McKean Moore Free Community Workshop

Jenny McKean Moore Free Community Workshop

Fall 2020 – Creative Nonfiction Workshop Led by Cutter Wood WEDNESDAYS, 7:00 – 9:00 pm September 9 – December 16 2020 Come and take part in a semester-long creative nonfiction workshop! To apply, you do not need academic qualifications or publications. The class will include some readings of published writings, but will mainly be a roundtable critique of work submitted by class members. There are no fees to participate in the…

A Statement from the Department of English

A Statement from the Department of English

The English Department at the George Washington University stands with people of color and with all of those expressing outrage against the recent and ongoing acts of violence, harassment, and injustice, which have a long and painful history in this country. We unequivocally condemn white supremacy and police brutality.  We encourage everyone to read the…