This is the inaugural post of On the Road, an occasional blog series about GW English Professors and their scholarly travel. In …

I rang in the new year in rural West Virginia, far from cell phone towers or, for that matter, a satellite connection …

GW Professorial Lecturer in English Matt Fullerty, who is currently teaching ENGL 62 (Comedy) and ENGL 52W (English Literature), recently found himself …

Margaret Atwood’s hair sticks out in all directions, almost as if each curl has some obscure thought attached to it. Most of …

Michael Chabon for Amateurs

What do you think of when you hear the name, Michael Chabon? Comic books? Coming of age? Judaism? Pittsburgh? Movie adaptations? Chances …

What does Cuba mean to you? To be entirely candid with you, my only experience with Cuba is its delicious cuisine. However, …

Michael Chabon Mystery Solved!

I have a confession to make, I am a Michael Chabon addict. My first Chabon high came from The Amazing Adventures of …

From the latest edition: Touring a National Treasure Alumnus shows students Library of Congress’ riches A tour of the Library of Congress …

To commemorate our GW-British Council Writer in Residence, the British Council is generously providing a substantial book fund. Nadeem Aslam has drawn …