The George Washington University is happy to be hosting the second Washington Conference on Trauma this fall. This multi-disciplinary conference will feature a broad range of presenters and formats, addressing the effects of severe psychological trauma on individuals and society.
Listening to Trauma:
Insights and Actions
Thursday, October 20th–
Saturday, October 22nd 2016
Location: The George Washington University
Marvin Center
Clinicians, academics and researchers will share knowledge and experience through plenary talks, paper panels, small group roundtables (including clinical roundtables for mental health professionals) and possible online study groups made available before and after the conference.
The study of trauma, Judith Herman points out, has a history of “episodic amnesia.” Knowledge gained is periodically forgotten and must be persistently reclaimed. After almost 15 years of combat in the Middle East and of rising attention to a broad range of stressful events, American culture, its media, academics and clinicians have become increasingly responsive to the diverse nature and complexity of traumatic experience.
Robert Jay Lifton, MD | Columbia University
Cathy Caruth, PhD | Cornell University
Françoise Davoine, PhD | Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
Jessica Stern, PhD | Harvard University
Dori Laub, MD | Yale University
M. Gerard Fromm, PhD | Austen Riggs Center
Lisa Page | The George Washington University
Clarence Page | Chicago Tribune, MSNBC, NPR
Nancy Sherman, PhD | Georgetown University
Richard Chefetz, MD | Washington, DC
Jane Shore | The George Washington University
Howard Norman | University of Maryland
Arthur Blank, Jr., MD | Washington Center for Psychoanalysis
Allen Dyer, MD | The George Washington University Department of Psychiatry
Nancy Goodman, PhD | Contemporary Freudian Society
James Griffith, MD | The George Washington University Department of Psychiatry
Harold Kudler, MD | Department of Veterans Affairs
Marilyn Meyers, PhD | Washington School of Psychiatry
Evelyn Jaffe Schreiber, PhD | The George Washington University Department of English
The Conference will open Thursday, October 20, with a plenary session at 10:30 am at the Marvin Center. Registration opens at 9 am on the third floor of the Marvin Center. The Conference ends after the last plenary session on Saturday, October 22, which begins at 5:00 pm and ends at 6:30 pm.
Forum on Psychiatry and the Humanities
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
Washington Center for Psychoanalysis (WCP)
Washington School of Psychiatry
The George Washington University Departments of Psychiatry and English
Contemporary Freudian Society Washington, DC Program
Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma